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Subdiffusion, Anomalous Diffusion and Propagation of a Particle Moving in Random and Periodic Media

机译:粒子运动的子扩散,异常扩散和传播   在随机和周期性媒体中



We investigate the motion of a single particle moving on a two-dimensionalsquare lattice whose sites are occupied by right and left rotators. These leftand right rotators deterministically rotate the particle's velocity to theright or left, respectively and \emph{flip} orientation from right to left orfrom left to right after scattering the particle. We study three types ofconfigurations of left and right rotators, which we think of as types of media,through with the particle moves. These are completely random (CR), randomperiodic (RP), and completely periodic (CP) configurations. For CRconfigurations the particle's dynamics depends on the ratio $r$ of right toleft scatterers in the following way. For small $r\simeq0$, when theconfiguration is nearly homogeneous, the particle subdiffuses with an exponentof 2/3, similar to the diffusion of a macromolecule in a crowded environment.Also, the particle's trajectory has a fractal dimension of $d_f\simeq4/3$,comparable to that of a self-avoiding walk. As the ratio increases to $r\simeq1$, the particle's dynamics transitions from subdiffusion to anomalousdiffusion with a fractal dimension of $d_f\simeq 7/4$, similar to that of apercolating cluster in 2-d. In RP configurations, which are more structuredthan CR configurations but also randomly generated, we find that the particlehas the same statistic as in the CR case. In contrast, CP configurations, whichare highly structured, typically will cause the particle to go through atransient stage of subdiffusion, which then abruptly changes to propagation.Interestingly, the subdiffusive stage has an exponent of approximately 2/3 anda fractal dimension of $d_f\simeq4/3$, similar to the case of CR and RPconfigurations for small $r$.
机译:我们研究单个粒子在二维方格上移动的运动,该二维方格的位置被左右旋转器占据。这些左,右旋转器分别在散射粒子后确定性地分别将粒子的速度旋转到右侧或左侧,并将\ emph {flip}方向从右向左或从左向右旋转。通过粒子运动,我们研究了左右旋转体的三种类型的配置,我们将其视为介质的类型。这些是完全随机(CR),随机周期性(RP)和完全周期性(CP)配置。对于CR配置,粒子的动力学以下列方式取决于右向左散射体的比率$ r $。对于较小的$ r \ simeq0 $,当配置接近均质时,粒子以2/3的指数次扩散,类似于大分子在拥挤环境中的扩散;此外,粒子的轨迹的分形维数为$ d_f \ simeq4 / 3 $,这与自我避免的步行相比。随着比率增加到$ r \ simeq1 $,粒子的动力学从子扩散转变为异常扩散,其分形维数为$ d_f \ simeq 7/4 $,类似于2-d中的渗流团簇。在RP配置中,其结构比CR配置更结构化,而且是随机生成的,我们发现粒子具有与CR情况相同的统计量。相比之下,高度结构化的CP构型通常会导致粒子经历子扩散的瞬态阶段,然后突然转变为传播。有趣的是,亚扩散阶段的指数约为2/3,分形维数为$ d_f \ simeq4 / 3 $,类似于小型$ r $的CR和RP配置的情况。



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